Why is it that lesbians have such a hard time with dating? You know, going out with one or more women, maybe having sex, and not having to arrive at any permanent or long-term decisions about the nature of the relationship.
Lesbian & Gay
Are Some Lesbians Attracted to Men?
by Kali Munro | Lesbian & Gay
Do you think that it is possible to be lesbian and sexually attracted to men? What about lesbians who have sexual fantasies that include men?
Talking About Lesbian Partner Abuse
by Kali Munro | Lesbian & Gay
Many of us, when we first come out, are drawn to the lesbian community with the dream of finding an all-embracing, welcoming community.
Lesbian Couples and Friends: Is There Enough Love to Go Around?
by Kali Munro | Lesbian & Gay
Why is it that lesbians can neglect or forget their friends when they get into a relationship?
Male-to-Male Child Sexual Abuse In the Context of Homophobia
by Kali Munro | Lesbian & Gay
Remember growing up and hearing the word “pervert”? Nobody wanted anything to do with them – they were the “sick and demented” people whom everyone despised.
Lesbian Relationships: Talking About Our Relationships
by Kali Munro | Lesbian & Gay
At one time or another most of us have heard or spoken the juicy words, “guess who so-and-so is seeing?” and “did you hear that so-and-so are breaking up?”
Am I Gay Because of the Abuse?
by Kali Munro | Lesbian & Gay
This question is asked not only by people who are unhappy or uncomfortable with their sexuality, it is also asked by people who are very happy, accepting, and proud of their sexuality.
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