Vibrant. Loving. Beautiful. You.

The Pursuit of Happiness

Everyone wants to be happy, but not everyone knows how to recognize and stay with it; they’re always looking for more.

Dream Yourself into Life

Too often we lose sight of what’s important to us for example, enjoying nature, exploring our spirituality, connecting with friends, traveling, and being creative.

Optimism: How to Avoid Negative Thinking

Have you ever wondered why some people feel down and defeated when faced with difficult situations, while others feel challenged and hopeful?

The Inner Critic: Accepting Ourselves

Do you feel like you’re your own worst critic? Do you find yourself criticizing your body, intelligence, clothes, ability to do your job, and just about anything about yourself?

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you – a joy. When actions come from another section the feeling disappears.RUMI